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How to make delicious kefir at home. Making homemade milk kefir is an extremely easy process as well as being super beneficial for your health.

How To Make Kefir.

When I started making my kefir at home it seemed kind of strange to leave milk with kefir grains sitting on the counter.  At home fermentation of anything was completely new to me and it felt a bit wrong at first.

I was even hesitant to trust the process when I tasted my first batch because it seemed too simple.  However, when I finally did my first taste test, it tasted as it should.

A bit sour like plain yogurt and a bit yeasty with a few little bubbles.  So I used it to make a smoothie for myself (The BEST Green Smoothie Recipe).  And it was good! Very creamy!

After about a week and a half I started to do the same for my children in their smoothies.  I must say that I love being able to give them such a healthy start to their day.

I have found that this homemade kefir has been really helpful in regaining my health from Hashimoto’s so I wanted to show how easy it is to make yourself.  This is how to make delicious kefir easily at home.  I discuss the benefits of kefir for your health more in My 5 Favorite Gut Boosting Foods.

I bought these kefir grains and followed the directions revive them from the ebook that is included.  If you regularly use your kefir grains and take care of them- they can last you forever.  

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And the best part is that if you decide to go on vacation then you can stick them in the fridge with a bit of milk covering over the top.  They will last like this for about a week or so before they need to be given more milk.

I choose to make my kefir with raw milk because it is the most nutritious way to make kefir, however, pasteurized milk will work in the same way.  

Also, it is good to know to stay away from ultra pasteurized milk for making kefir as it will not work as expected.

How To Make Delicious Kefir.


I make my kefir in a glass jar with a muslin cloth cover held on with a rubber band.

What You Will Need

1 glass jar

1 muslin cover (I used a paper towel to cover mine until I got the muslin cloth)

1 rubber band

1 non metal mesh strainer (Stainless steel can work)

1-4 cups of raw or pasteurized milk

1 bowl to strain your kefir into

1-2 tsp of active Kefir Grains

How To Make Delicious Kefir.

How To Make Delicious Kefir

  1. Fill your jar with the amount of milk you would like to make into kefir- up to 4 cups.  
  2. Add your kefir grains to the milk in the jar.  
  3. Then cover with the muslin cloth and secure it with your rubber band.
  4. Place it in a warm spot about 70 – 80°F to culture.
  5. Culture it for about 24 hours until it is slightly thicker- it will ferment faster in a warmer climate or slower in a cooler area.

How To Strain Your Kefir

  1. Place your mesh strainer over your bowl and pour your cultured kefir into the strainer.
  2. If your kefir is thick you can use a plastic or wooden spoon to gently stir the kefir and kefir grains to help it strain.
  3. Place the kefir into the refrigerator or use it right away.
  4. Add kefir grains to more milk to repeat the kefir culturing process.

How to make delicious kefir at home. Making homemade milk kefir is an extremely easy process as well as being super beneficial for your health.


 1.  If you leave your kefir to ferment too long or you have too many kefir grains (they multiply quickly!) then you may find your kefir over fermenting and over thick.  Over fermentation will cause the mixture to begin to separate into curds and whey. You can gently stir your cultured kefir and grains to try to remix the curds and whey together before straining it.  

2.  If you find that your kefir grains have multiplied and you have too many you can give them away or eat them.  I tend to add them into our smoothies for an extra boost of probiotics!

3.  Kefir grains do not like metal.  Stainless steel is generally ok, but it is recommended to stay away from reactive metals.

How To Make Delicious Kefir.

How To Make Delicious Kefir – Final Thoughts

I love having fresh homemade kefir morning in my smoothies.  Looking back, I wish I had started making kefir sooner. Now, I strain it every morning and refill it for the next day. It is so simple and so nutritious for you.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

If you find you need some extra confidence- as I did- there are lots of video tutorials on YouTube to walk you through the process.  

A few pages you may find helpful are here and here.  


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