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It is possible to heal from Hashimoto's if you give your body the correct tools to work with. Diet and lifestyle changes can give you back your life.

To Heal from Hashimoto's is possible.

You can heal from Hashimoto’s!

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune thyroid disease that slowly drains your energy and your health.  It can be crippling and feel like your life has been stolen from you.  You may even feel that your body is failing you.

Conventional medicine would have you believe that there is no cure except for taking thyroid replacement hormones for life as your body slowly degrades from the condition.  

I was not satisfied with this answer and found another (thank goodness!) in alternative medicine.  There IS a way to regain your health from this debilitating world of Hashimoto’s.

It involves changing your lifestyle and diet so that your body can do what it was made to do – HEAL!  Food is medicine and if you give body the correct tools then you can heal.

You can follow my 8 part series of my personal thyroid journey at the bottom of this page or I have included links to specifically relevant posts in my list below if you would like more detail on my experience.

To heal from Hashimoto's means changing your diet.


1.  Eliminate Gluten – Gluten is an elastic type of protein that is found in wheat products such as bread or pasta.  It is largely responsible for many food allergies due to its unique ability to weaken the integrity of the intestinal wall.  This can lead to inflammation and a leaky gut. Part 5: A Gluten Free Diet Can Help Hashimoto’s tells more detail about my experience while removing gluten from my diet.

2.  Discover Food Sensitivities – When food particles breach the intestinal wall and come in contact with the immune system this can cause food sensitivities or intolerances.  Learning what your body can or cannot tolerate is an important part of determining how to customize your diet to heal. You can read my experience Part 7: Healing My Leaky Gut Stopped Hashimoto’s. Also, EverlyWell – At Home Food Sensitivity Test Kit provides a way to test for your food sensitivities at home without a doctor.

3.  Eat Real Organic Food – Eating organic includes organic fruits and vegetables as well as organic pasture raised meats and eggs.  This means eating real food from the earth that has not been altered by GMOs or pesticides. Your body needs a clean source of fuel to help detoxify and heal. 

4.  Strategic Supplementation – There are several supplements that are known to help in replacing depleted vitamin and mineral levels or help to normalize hormones.  Knowing which supplements will help you heal can speed your recovery time. You can read more about common supplements for Hashimoto’s in 9 Supplements to Heal from Hashimoto’s.

5.  Remove Processed Foods and Refined Sugar – Sugar is known to cause inflammation in your intestinal tract along with causing spikes in blood glucose levels.  This can wreak havoc on your already struggling endocrine system. Be suspicious of any food that is processed and comes with a barcode on it.  Only real food can provide the nutrients needed to stimulate your body to heal. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruits if you have a craving you can’t seem to curb.

6.  Eat Probiotic Foods – Foods that are rich in “good” bacteria and can help boost your gut function are important for creating balance in your gut.  These foods can help crowd out the “bad” bacterias and boost your immune system. You can read My 5 Favorite Gut Boosting Foods to understand what foods will boost your gut function.  Drinking kefir every morning has changed my world- here is my recipe on How To Make Delicious Kefir

7.  Heal Leaky Gut – A leaky gut can take several months to heal – usually between 4 and 6 months.  This means removing all grains, legumes, and food allergies to allow the intestinal tract to fully heal from years of damage leading to this point.  This is a very important step to healing from Hashimoto’s. You can read my experience with this Part 7: Healing My Leaky Gut Stopped Hashimoto’s.

It is possible to heal from Hashimoto's if you give your body the correct tools to work with. Diet and lifestyle changes can give you back your life.


I cured my Hashimoto’s disease even though none of my medical doctors believed that I could.  It is important to share my story so that other people can know that it is possible.

It is definitely not easy, but it is completely possible to stop your body from attacking your thyroid.

A wonderful resource for healing from Hashimoto’s is Izabella Wentz’s book, HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS: LIFESTYLE INTERVENTIONS FOR FINDING AND TREATING THE ROOT CAUSE .  She is a pharmacist who is trying to bring awareness to the ability to heal from Hashimoto’s.  

This book is a must read for understanding the possible root causes of Hashimoto’s.  I highly recommend ordering it. Reading it was one of the very first steps I took when I began to heal my thyroid.

Another book that helped me on my journey is AUTOIMMUNE: THE CAUSE AND THE CURE by Annesse Brockely and Kristin Urdiales.  This book focuses on autoimmune diseases as a whole and is broken into two parts.  

Part one is very technical in explaining how the body begins to breakdown into autoimmune disease and the second part tells you how to recover from it.  Even if you don’t get through the first part- the second part is the most important!

This book was pivotal in helping me understand how different foods impact your gut bacteria and how to restore the balance in your gut.  It is also full of wonderful resources to find the foods that you need.

Heal from Hashimoto's.


To heal from Hashimoto’s is completely possible and you can get your life back.  It won’t be fast because the body needs time to repair itself.  My journey has taken over a year, but it has been worth it every step of the way.

I highly recommend finding a functional medicine doctor in your area to help you on your journey.  They will be invaluable for knowing what tests to perform or providing guidance along the way.

Being able to quit taking my thyroid medication (Part 8: How I Quit My Thyroid Medication) has shown me that my body has healed!  It sounds overwhelming and difficult to muddle through in the beginning, but in the end you will be proud of what you have accomplished.  

And you will feel GOOD!

You can follow my thyroid journey to remission from Hashimoto’s below.

My Thyroid Journey Series

Part 1: What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?

Part 2: Understanding Thyroid Tests

Part 3: The Great Thyroid Medication Debate

Part 4:  My Struggle With Postpartum Hashimoto’s

Part 5:  A Gluten Free Diet Can Help Hashimoto’s

Part 6:  The Leaky Gut Connection to Hashimoto’s

Part 7: Healing My Leaky Gut Stopped Hashimoto’s

Part 8: How I Quit My Thyroid Medication

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