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15 Key Symptoms of Hashimoto's

Woman tired in bed.

Is life overwhelming these days?

Ever feel like you are sitting in a frigid meat locker even though your thermostat is set to a nice balmy 70 degrees?

Maybe you are sleeping 12 hours at night, but it isn’t enough?

If you answer yes to these questions above then your body may be trying to tell you something. 

These can be signs of hypothyroidism.  Your thyroid gland has a part in almost every metabolic process in your body.  When you have hypothyroidism there are many symptoms that will creep into your life as your body begins to slow down.

Often times, you barely notice the shift.  However, as your metabolism continues to slow these signs become more and more apparent.  Below are I have compiled the most common symptoms of an under-active thyroid gland. 

I experienced several of these key symptoms of hypothyroidism.  You can read more about my experience in Part 1: What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?

15 Key Symptoms of Hashimoto's


  1. Extreme fatigue – even when getting plenty of sleep
  2. Low body temperature – feeling excessively cold
  3. Brain fog or memory troubles
  4. Dry skin
  5. Constipation
  6. Forgetfulness
  7. Fluid retention
  8. Aches in your muscles and joints
  9. Puffy face
  10. Weight gain or inability to lose weight
  11. Menorrhagia – excessive menstrual bleeding
  12. Hair loss
  13. Brittle nails
  14. Sleepiness
  15. Bleeding between your menstrual cycles

A wonderful resource for healing from Hashimoto’s is Izabella Wentz’s book, HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS: LIFESTYLE INTERVENTIONS FOR FINDING AND TREATING THE ROOT CAUSE .  She is a pharmacist who is trying to bring awareness to the ability to heal from Hashimoto’s.  

This book is a must read for understanding the possible root causes of Hashimoto’s.  I highly recommend ordering it. Reading it was one of the very first steps I took when beginning to heal my thyroid.

You are welcome follow my thyroid journey to remission below.

My Thyroid Journey Series

Part 1: What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?

Part 2: Understanding Thyroid Tests

Part 3: The Great Thyroid Medication Debate

Part 4:  My Struggle With Postpartum Hashimoto’s

Part 5:  A Gluten Free Diet Can Help Hashimoto’s

Part 6:  The Leaky Gut Connection to Hashimoto’s

Part 7: Healing My Leaky Gut Stopped Hashimoto’s

Part 8: How I Quit My Thyroid Medication

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