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 Coffee is good for you. Isn’t that great news? Coffee comes in many shapes and forms these days. You can drink it black, flavored, or mixed with steamed milk. One thing, however, never changes about our love of coffee. We love how it wakes us up in the morning and gets us moving!

Coffee Is Good for You.

Coffee is good for you.  Isn’t that great news?

Coffee comes in many shapes and forms these days.  You can drink it black, flavored, or mixed with steamed milk.  One thing, however, never changes about our love of coffee. We love how it wakes us up in the morning and gets us moving!

That boost of caffeine is so valuable to starting our day.  In fact, we dread anytime we have to consider going a day without it. I know I do!  I drink this one.

Let’s look at all the reasons coffee is beneficial for your health.

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Coffee Is Good for You.


 1.  Coffee can enhance your metabolic rate and burns fat

Caffeine stimulates your nervous system and causes it to send signals to your fat cells to break down body fat.

Caffeine is a common addition to many of weight loss products due to its ability to enhance your metabolic rate and burn fat.

It has been shown that caffeine can boost your metabolic rate can by 3-11%.  

Along with boosting metabolic rate, caffeine also boosts fat burning capabilities from up to 10% for obese people and up to 29% for lean individuals.

2.  Coffee can improve your energy levels and mood

Coffee can push your energy levels to new heights and lift your mood.  This is why is has become so popular for boosting productivity in the workplace.

Coffee contains a energizing stimulate known as caffeine which one of the most common invigorating substances we consume.  

When you drink coffee, the caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream and then travels to your brain.  

In your brain, neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine are increased, leading to enhanced firing of neurons.

Many controlled studies show that coffee improves aspects of your brain function including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times and general cognitive function.

3.  Coffee contains a massive amount of antioxidants

Coffee is the largest source of antioxidants in the western diet, especially if you consume the standard american diet (SAD).

In fact, studies show that many people with a western diet consume more antioxidants from coffee than from both fruits and vegetables combined.  

That says a lot about our love for coffee as well as our love of processed food.  

Just think of how much you could improve your antioxidant levels by upping your fruits and veggies as well!

4.  Coffee seems to have protective effects on the liver

Your liver is extremely important to the health of your body.  It carries out hundred of significant functions including to filter and detox your bloodstream.

Many common disease can affect your liver such fatty liver disease or hepatitis.  These diseases can cause cirrhosis of your liver which is when your liver is largely scarred.

Coffee has proven to provide protects for your liver.  If you drink 4 or more cups a day you have a 80% lower risk.

5.  Coffee can increase your physical performance

Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in your bloodstream by stimulating your nervous system.

This adrenaline hormone prepares our bodies for vigorous physical exertion.  

By encouraging the breakdown of body fat, caffeine provides fatty acids in the bloodstream for obtainable fuel.  

In fact, caffeine can improve physical performance by an average of 11-12%.

If you want to increase your performance in the gym, have a cup of coffee about 30 minutes before your workout for increase results.

6.  Coffee may protect you from Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease according to several studies.

Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of dementia and most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide.

The disease generally affects people over the age of 65.

Eating healthy and exercising can help prevent this disease, but it appears drinking coffee may be incredibly effective as well.

 Coffee is good for you. Isn’t that great news? Coffee comes in many shapes and forms these days. You can drink it black, flavored, or mixed with steamed milk. One thing, however, never changes about our love of coffee. We love how it wakes us up in the morning and gets us moving!


I love my coffee in the mornings (sometimes a little too much!) as I am sure many of you do as well. 

In fact, caring for my body and gut health are very important to me (My 5 Favorite Gut Boosting Foods) so knowing that coffee has so many health benefits is comforting.  Hopefully, it is comforting for you as well.

How do you take your coffee?  

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  • Laura, you may want to use not just “loss” in early part of article, but “weight loss.”

    Also, 4 cups of coffee or 24 oz.
    The side of my coffee product describes a cup as 6 oz. What does your product say?

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