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The truth about Lemon Water! Adding a bit of lemon juice to your water is such a small thing you can do to boost your health and immunity each day.

The truth about lemon water.

The truth about lemon water?  Lemon water does the body good!  

Now, I know what you are thinking.  How is lemon water going to change my world?

Well, it won’t drastically change your world, but let’s be honest with each other.  Its hard to make big changes in our diets!  However, you have to start somewhere, so lets hit the low hanging fruit first.

This is why my last few posts have been focusing on simple ways to increase nutrients in your daily life such as changing the type of salt you use or adding powerhouse foods like pumpkin seeds into your diet.  Small changes can have big effects!

Now that we are clear that lemon water won’t make you super human, let’s talk about how it CAN help you.

When I set out to help my body heal from my autoimmune thyroid disease (Part 1: What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?), I started each day with a glass of warm lemon water.  

Most times, I also mixed in about a tablespoon of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar as well as a bit of raw honey– but I will save that for another post.

Drinking lemon water each morning can do amazing things for your body.  It can improve your digestion, rev your metabolism and improve your mood, boost your immune system, and promote weight loss.

Lemon water can also help us filter out all the toxins that we come in contact with on a daily basis.  Plus, it adds a boost of vitamin C to your day!

The truth about lemon water.


That’s easy!  Lemon water is simply water that is mixed with the juice of lemons.  You can use as much or as little lemon as you like.

I like to drink mine warm first thing in the morning, however, you can also enjoy your lemon water cold depending on your personal preference.  Maybe you would rather drink cold lemon water with lunch to help perk up your afternoon.

Some people enjoy mixing in the rind of the lemon as well.  You can add other ingredients like I mentioned above or keep it simple with just the two basics: lemon juice and water.  

With such a simple drink, it is amazing the health benefits you can gain from adding it to your daily routine!!

The truth about lemon water.


Let’s be honest, sometimes it’s nice to know why something is good for your health- even if it is as simple as lemon water.  Here is the truth about lemon water and how it can benefit you.  

1.  Promotes Healthy Digestion

Is constipation getting you down? Lemon juice influences your liver to produce more bile which helps move things through your digestive tract at a smooth, steady rate.  

2.  Boosts Metabolism and Mood

Would you like a morning boost without the caffeine crash later in the day?  Lemon water is filled with negatively charged ions that are known to boost your energy during digestion.

3.  Promotes Weight Loss

Another great side effect of lemon water!  Weight loss is a natural effect of being well hydrated.  Even just drinking water with your meals is shown to increase feeling of satiety and curb your appetite.  Plus, if you swap out drinking soda for low calorie lemon water you can increase your weight loss potential!

4.  Enhances Immunity

Lemons have an incredible amount of vitamin C which is an essential nutrient for your immune system.  In fact, one cup of lemon juice contains 187% of your daily vitamin C needs.  Drinking lemon juice in your water daily can help your body ward off any oncoming colds.

The truth about Lemon Water! Adding a bit of lemon juice to your water is such a small thing you can do to boost your health and immunity each day.


I used lemon water to detoxify my system and help with my digestive process.  Hashimoto’s stems from poor digestion due to having a leaky gut. You can read more about that in my article, Part 6: The Leaky Gut Connection to Hashimoto’s.

Lemon water helped give me the boost of energy I needed in the morning along with promoting healthy digestion as well.  

Another fun side effects of having Hashimoto’s is that I would come down with every cold I came in contact with.  It was terrible!  And it was pretty often since we had an adorable little toddler in preschool with what seemed like a constant runny nose.  I was glad for the boost in immunity from lemon water bright and early in my day.

It is such a simple change- anyone can do it!  Try to get those simple added nutrient bonuses whenever you can.  And maybe be prepared for a few extra bathroom trips from all that extra hydration.

Plus, a nice side effect of all those lemons you will use?  You have a nice, decorative bowl of lemons to place on the table!

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